Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Evergreen trees and then especially conifers, they can not tempt me.
Make me a little sad sometimes
From our back room, we were overlooking a conifer in our back neighbors yard
Not that our garden is a feast for the eye but this conifer was really a thorn in mine.

Last summer, she was removed and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Why I do not like them I do not know.
Perhaps because they are so stiff and lifeless, like plastic
Or because they always have just the wrong and same color green, do not lose their leaves, not even have leaves, and have boring
These trees provide too little to the imagination.

Unlike many others, I think they do not belong in cemeteries
'd Rather plant a beech, a willow (weeping) or a beautiful linden tree, in my kingdom these lindens surround the cemetery with double rows, with a path in between.
Deciduous trees, I can sometimes attribute human qualities, something I never succeed in with the conifers.
They tell no stories, do not whisper of times long past.
I sometimes muse about countries I have never been to and probably never will
Not because it would be excessive, but because the idea that they are largely overgrown with dense evergreen forests with now and then an icy river or black & dark lake
I am thinking of
Canada, Finland (simply tastes differ).
Oops, almost forgotten ... as so often, there is one exception to the rule. Most hypocritical, though. The Christmas tree, this lady I behold with pleasure, not a cross word about her
This is of course because all of her adornments and finery.
Otherwise it would never have been possible…..

À la Saint Glinglin

On Saint Glinglin's Day, my entire nest will be cleared.
It will be a perfect white nest with only the necessary things.
With hither and thither some decorative elements all in balance.
No boxes full of memories, collections, forgotten things.
No crammed closets where nothing can be removed for fear that the whole bunch will collapse.
Never more collect so much that the individual pieces in the plethora will lose their beauty.
The ideal habitat will arise.
Thus will it be. Some day in the indefinite future .... ;)

Monday, September 12, 2011

A pair of swans

A romantic
pair of swans
and a stack of
brocante plates.

Found in a
Flemish thrift store
during our
summer vacation
in Zealand.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Once upon a time
there was a wooden doll
She had golden blonde hair
 and beautiful blue eyes.

It was a gift for a little girl
from her grandmother.
Taken home as a souvenir
from a long journey.

The girl was very happy with the doll
-she might have named her Liesje-
 and played with the her every day.
As the little girl got older,
Liesje got a nice spot on the windowsill
 right next to the bed of the girl.

The girl became mature,
fell in love, engaged,
married and left home.

Liesje stayed in the windowsill.
 She became dusty, sunfaded
and fell into oblivion.

Years later the house was emptied,
the girl's parents had gone.
Boxes of old stuff were given away to charity.
Liesje was in one of these boxes.
 In the charity shop she got a new place
among many discarded toys.

And Liesje? She liked it all best.
Not used to much else after
all these years of oblivion.

My 5 year old found her and
we took her home with us.

Now she stands proudly on the mantelpiece,
beside a couple of deer.

Occasionally somebody is playing with her.
With caution because she is a Lisa now,
a lady of a certain age.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Beauté Vintage

Last week, on a very good day
I found this vintage beauty on the market
Signed H. Perier 1966.

The image of the lady from the 50s
and the beautiful colors
appealed to me immediately
she looks so cheerful and happy
radiating from the painting.

Now she is showing off in the nest
and every time I take a look at her
she makes me feel happy too.

Who is she
and where does she
come from?

I would really
like to know.


Monday, July 4, 2011


Have been away for a while.
Laptop problems
and not much
I feel like blogging today.
Last Saturday
we went to visit
a charity shop near here.
Taken home this
scale of treasures and
cuddly figurines.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Arcopal roses & happy feelings

Saw these cups on the internet yesterday,
fancied them.

Found them in the charity shop today!

Were they there already and did I have
a premonition about them yesterday?

Were they there because of some
wish fulfilling thinking of mine?

Or were they just there
and would I not have noticed them today
when I had not seen them yesterday?
Was it just dumb luck?

I muse about these matters.
And it gives me a happy feeling!

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Yr Wylan...the Seagull

A poem of the Welshman
Dafydd ap Gwilym (circa 1320 - 1380).
The story is about a seagull
who is commanded by a lover
to convey a message of love
to the girl he adores.

Free translation of the first stanza:

Where did you get your color from,
Snow or the moon?
You are perfect in color and line,
a chip of sunshine.
Proud creature
as it hunts for fish,
on the waves.
Riding at anchor - come with me,
you, white lily of the sea,
so shiny, so white as paper,
a nun who sits on the waves.

Pegasus Two


The winged divine horse
Snowwhite and shy
Son of Medusa and the seagod Poseidon
Friend of Muses
Porter of Thunder & Lightning
Horse of Poets.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Letting Go

Lsltn: letting go

This term is lately  
around me,
it is surrounding us.
Letting go is hot. 

(Before we had the  
Celestine Prophecy
and the child within 
or inner child)
You have to, like to,  
want to, learn to let go.
While releasing really  
should not  
have to deal with 

It would be  
a reaction to materialism
and striving for  
progress & development  
of the past decades.
A counterweight  
to our consumption society  
and social media.
Investigate further.
I think it's really more like
an extra scoop on top.
We have everything so now
we want something spiritual.
There's nothing wrong with it,  
good fundamentals and  
scientifically proven 
to be effective.
But I do not like it when
it evolves into a hype  
and it is becoming 
everyone's hobby.

Topic of coversation
at a bbq.

You have to be Zen.
Wise and enlightened,
inner peace.

It should be all about
not having to be perfect
but it seems  
you're only perfect
if your Zen, and Mindful
and can let go.

The Chinese philosopher
Lao Tse (Laozi)
has made ​​
many wise sayings

one of them is:
"True virtue is not virtuous".

I think that to be 
Zen and enlightened
is something  
that is reserved
for people who can 
really let go
Monks and truly  
wise people
who have renounced  
all the earthly  
and material goods.

(Dat is andere koek)
That is a different story.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Folklore Costume

come and see  
what I have found
in the charity yesterday!

Plates, which have been 
standing on my wishlist 
for a very long time.

A little tin with a 
"Zeeuws meisje" on it 
("The milkmaid", 
my 5-year old calls her.).

And a vintage  
souvenir doll  
from Bruxelles.

Theme what binds this stuff  
is folklore or 
folkloristic costume.

It happens to me often  
that I unconsciously  
gather things that have 
something in common.

I always 
discover this at home 
-no sooner-
whilst placing the items 
in the nest.

And I think
that is nice!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

"C'est bon....bon!"

A gift from my mother.
An old bonbon tin
(without the chocolates)
severely affected  
by the ravages 
of time.

To me
the test of time
makes her prettier,
the tin, the lad
more interesting,  

As an ancient ruin
hidden in a forest
or an abandoned house
with black and white 
of forgotten lovers
on the mantelshelf
and a floral curtain
for a broken window.

I love these things
cannot explain why
has got something
to do with 
rediscovering or

As if you were 
looking for something
until you've found it.